Macrotrachela microcornis Murray, 1911 |
Macrotrachela microcornis, whirling (corona expanded), dorsoventral view. |
Macrotrachela microcornis; focal plane on the rostrum, but also the foot and one of the short toes are visible. |
Macrotrachela microcornis; two aspects of the head, dorsoventral view/ optical transects. Left image: focal plane on the (perpencicular aligned / retracted rostrum and upper lip. Right: focal plane on the buccal field and mastax. Images not to scale. |
Macrotrachela microcornis;, rostrum with lamella. |
Macrotrachela microcornis, two aspects of the foot, different focal planes; left image showing the very short spurs. Right: optical transect of the 3 toes. |
Macrotrachela microcornis, trophi, dental formula 2/2+1. |
Location: Aneboda, Sweden. (sample courtesy of N. Iakovenko) |
Habitat: Sphagnum |
Date: 18+20.02.2014 |